My teen daughter has flatly refused to go to anymore meetings. She felt this way even before it was obvious to me I was in a cult. She would not leave the car when the memorial took place. She dug in and said , "This is your crazy religion that makes you scared of life, not mine."
She said the youth of today will not tolerate anti-gay, misogyny, or any hateful disfellowshipping. Never mind a Bible written for white men. She was very clear that her generation was informed and will look at all the evidence. She sent her Dad JWfacts. She told him if he makes her go to the hall she will corrupt the kids intentionally with these facts. Also she said that she will not discuss JW literature until he looks at the entire site of JW facts since he is bullied by his leaders to stay ignorant under penalty. She has agreed to no such fear of research.
she told our family therapist in front of her Dad that she will not have her head counted in attendance towards such a hateful group of people that dehumanizes others....EVER.
She is part of a group at school that reviews organizations that advocate hate. She used Sam Herds talk on womens small brains as a speaking point. When she told her Dad about it and sent him the talk he was upset. She invited him to be interviewed in defense of Sam Herd. He was not going to sink with that ship.